15 întreprinderi inovatoare se pregătesc pentru comercializarea inovațiilor lor pe plan global

Programul de Asistență în Comercializarea Inovării din România (RICAP) va demara săptămâna viitoare activitățile de susținere a celor 15 întreprinderi selectate pentru a le susține în accesarea piețelor internaționale.

Cele 15 companii au fost selecționate la finalul anului trecut din aproape o sută de aplicații primite, descriind tehnologii din domenii precum ITC, producție/design industrial, materiale, energie, electronică, agricultură, educație, medicină și biotehnologii. Tehnologiile inovative ale celor 15 participanți acoperă domenii precum ITC, energie regenerabilă, construcții verzi sau medicină și provin atât din rândul unor startup-uri ambițioase, cât și al unor companii cu experiență îndelungată care și-au dedicat activitatea dezvoltării de produse și servicii noi.

Pentru a marca începutul programului RICAP pentru cele 15 companii, în zilele 21-22 ianuarie va avea loc “Kick-Off Commercialization Training Workshop”, un eveniment de două zile ce va reuni participanții la program și mentorii acestora din SUA și de pe plan local. Cele două zile vor fi dedicate întâlnirilor dintre aceștia, precum și unor seminarii și discuții cu privire la cadrul strategic de susținere a inovării, oportunități de finanțare, reglementări în domeniul drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală sau strategii de comercializare. Evenimentul va avea loc la București și este găzduit de Romanian-American Foundation.

Acest eveniment reprezintă debutul unei noi etape în implementarea RICAP ce constă în implicarea fiecărei firme participante la un program de mentorat personalizat și evenimente de conectare la piață. În plus, în funcție de nivelul acestora de pregătire, firmele vor avea interacțiuni cu posibili parteneri și finanțatori internaționali din SUA.

RICAP a fost demarat în august 2013 de către Centrul Român pentru Inovație în Dezvoltare Locală și Larta Institute, cu finanțarea Romanian-American Foundation și sprijinul GEA Strategy & Consulting. Pe parcursul celor 20 de luni de implementare, programul va asista 30 de întreprinderi inovatoare din România să își comercializeze serviciile și produsele inovative pe plan global. Lista completă a primei grupe de companii selecționate să participe la program și detalii despre eveniment pot fi consultate pe blogul RICAP: www.ricap.ro/blog.

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The 15 RICAP Participants Announced

We are happy to publicly announce the 15 companies that we are welcoming in the first cycle of RICAP! What follows is over three months of personalized mentorship with carefully matched highly experienced mentors from Romania and the US, and a range of opportunities to connect to potential partners from a vast international network.


With almost one hundred applications reveiced, the selection process was highly competitive, with valuable applications having been received from all over the country. Congratulations to the winning teams, that we would like to briefly describe below (in alphabetical order):

Arxia is a full service web agency and experienced solution provider in the web environment, with a high focus on conceptual and technical innovation and building of web products for the global market.

Ascendia Design offers personalized eLearning content development services for private corporations, as well as for the academic environment.

Allevo is an Independent Software Vendor and solutions provider, delivering financial transactions processing application to banking, corporate and public administration accounts.

Denticare started off in the dentistry field and throughout the years the company developed to provide treatment based on research for other problems, including: anti-aging, fighting against stretch marks, wrinkles and hair growth stimulation.

Epistemio aims to dramatically improve how scientific publications are assessed. The startup’s first product, Epistemio Outcomes, helps research groups and institutions to simplify the management and reporting of their lists of scientific publications.

Essential is involved in designing and implementing intelligence management systems for large organizations, public or private, in the government, defense and financial industries.

Green WaterNanoTechnology has as goals the research and development of new environmentally friendly materials that are addressed to the design and manufacturing of the most advanced low-cost wastewater depollution technologies.

IRIDEX Group Plastic is orientated towards distribution and installation of geosynthetic materials, special construction materials, production of polyethylene nets, waste containers and recycle bins, waste machinery and equipments, physical and mechanical testing laboratory for construction materials, production of admixtures.

Peergate is a seed-phase startup developing a new approach to professional email.

ROSENC aims to promote Romania and the West Region as leader in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the new sustainable energy fields. Among other projects, the AquaSolar is an innovative product which provides irrigation for small plots of land, using solar energy.

Sagraea Biotech revolutionises the value added by genetic analysis through superior bioinformatics algorithms.

SAIA (Solutions of Artificial Intelligence Applications) and OncoPredict work closely together to help people with cancer, by developing and commercializing the best non-invasive diagnosis and prognosis systems, using artificial intelligence.

ECO MAR ENERGY was created in 2012 in order to innovate a new technology in renewable energy (wind) and to develop and produce vertical axis wind turbines, designed for households and small enterprises. They have a total of 10 such turbines designed.

Omnipark is a spinoff of Imprezzio INC that created a fully-integrated parking solution, consisting of a hosted back office management application, mobile enforcement, pay-by-phone services, electronic pay-boxes, notice payment capabilities and much more.

Wyliodrin is a new platform that allows programming embedded devices, like Raspberry Pi, directly from the browser. Instead of having to use a HDMI monitor, or connect to the board’s shell through a ssh connection, the users just copies on the SD card our software and connects the board to the Internet.


We look forward to the event next week that will kick off the engagement for these companies. The Kick-off Commercialization Training Workshop will take place on 21-22 January and will feature two full days of really interesting seminars, workshops, panels and one-on-one meetings between the companies and their mentors.

Stay tuned for more information about the process they will be going through! And don’t forget we will be opening another application call towards the middle of this year!

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