Nepal EduCaB – Stadiul II al interventiei in Districtul Dhading / NepalNepal EduCaB – Stage II of the emergency intervention in Dhading District / Nepal

La mijlocul lunii iunie am finalizat stadiul doi al interventiei din districtul Dhading / Nepal, initiata ca urmare a cutremurului din 25 aprilie si a replicilor sale. Planul tentativ pentru perioada aprilie 2015 – februarie 2016 il poti vedea aici.

Ce am facut in etapa doi:

1. Securizarea spatiului de scoala pentru Mahendrodaya Kalika Secondary School

In prima etapa am construit un spatiu temporar pentru scoala (dreapta, in poza de mai jos), care, alaturi de spatiul care a rezistat cutremurului (stanga, in poza) o sa acomodeze 450 de elevi – aprox. 300 din Dandagaon si 150 din satele din alte sate, unde scolile au fost distruse in totalitate. La constructie au participat echipa Nepal EduCaB si localnici din Dandagaon.

In a doua etapa, am angajat o companie de inginerie si arhitectura, alaturi de un geolog, pentru a face o analiza la fata locului, care o sa ne ajute in construirea cladirii permanente pentru noua scoala din Dandagaon (in iunie – iulie), precum si in etapa de reconstructie a caselor din zona, dupa terminarea Musonlui, in octombrie 2015. 

Mai jos sunt planurile pentru noua constructie permanenta pe care o vom realiza in iunie-iulie pentru Scoala Mahendrodaya Kalika Secondary School din Dandagaon:

2. Oferirea de rechizite pentru Mahendrodaya Kalika Secondary School / Dandagaon

Am achizitionar rechizite (i.e. caiete personalizate, creioane, alte materiale educationale) pentru aprox. 450 elevi care invata acum in scoala din satul Dandagaon.


Mid June, we have closed stage two of the intervention in Dhading, following to the Earthquake on April 25th and the subsequent aftershocks.

What we did so far:

1. Securing safe school space for Mahendrodaya Kalika Secondary School

In the first instance, we have build a temporary school space that, along with the existing school, will accomodate around 450 kids from the region (around 300 from Dandagaon, and 150 from other villages, where the schools were totally destoyed). It was a three days effort of the Nepal EduCaB team and the community.

In parallel, we hired an engineering company and a geologist that went to Dhading to make an assesment that give us baseline info for building the permanent school structure (June – July) and also planning the reconstruction plan for the households in the area (after October).

Below, are the plans for the new building we will build for the Mahendrodaya Kalika Secondary School in Dandagaon:

2. Providing stationery supplies for Mahendrodaya Kalika Secondary School / Dandagaon

We have order stationary (personlized notebooks, pencils, other educational material) for all 450 kids that are now joining the school in Dandagaon / Dhading.


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