Demarăm proiectul ALERT –Campanie de prevenire a pierderilor de vieți omenești în urma unui cutremur de intensitate ridicatăKick off ALERT – Earthquake risk mitigation campaign

În luna februarie demarăm proiectul ALERT – Campanie de prevenire a pierderilor de vieți omenești în urma unui cutremur de intensitate ridicată. Proiectul ALERT urmărește să prevină pierderea de vieți omenești în urma unui iminent cutremur de intensitate ridicată, mobilizând puterea de generare de informații de către cetățeni, printr-o platformă colaborativă online. Intenționăm astfel să creștem gradul de conștientizare asupra pericolului, să colectăm și diseminăm resurse pentru cei afectați de risc și să stimulăm mobilizarea de fonduri și implicare din partea sectorului public.

Pe scurt, vom dezvolta o platforma de crowd-sourcing de informații culese de cetățeni și voluntari cu privire la clădirile aflate în risc seismic din București. Voluntarii proiectului, sau simpli cetățeni, vor putea încărca automat și în timp real, pe o harta digitală, date (text, poze) din care să reiasă informații despre clădiri aflate în risc. Vom avea în vedere în principal date despre numărul de persoane care locuiesc în imobilul respectiv, dar și alte tipuri de informații: dacă imobilul mai există sau e deja demolat/părăsit, dacă sunt imobile locuite în imediata proximitate care pot fi afectate de prăbușirea celui vizat, dacă sunt diferite funcțiuni (ex. magazin, birouri ș.a.) unde lucrează oameni și/sau există circulație zilnică de clienți. Astfel, intenționăm să facem un ”recensământ” al oamenilor aflați în risc.

Intenționăm să lansăm această platformă spre finalul primăverii. Între timp, am început lucrul pe partea de programare și grafică și ne extindem echipa cu un coordonator de proiect.

ALERT se înscrie în interesul nostru de a testa puterea noilor tehnologii – aici cu o aplicație de crowd-sourcing de date de la cetățeni – pentru a veni în întâmpinarea provocărilor cu care se confruntă comunitățile locale.

Proiectul este finanțat de Telekom în urma concursului de proiecte Te Implici și este implementat ca demers în parteneriat al CRIDL și Make Better.

Puteți urmări o scurtă prezentare a proiectului ALERT aici.

Foto: Câștigătorii campaniei de selecție de proiecte TeImplici a Telekom România

In February we kick off the project ALERT, a campaign to prevent casualties in case of an earthquake of high intensity. ALERT is an eartquake risk mitigation project aiming to mobilize citizen engagement in data and resource gathering through an online collaborative platform. The project is designed to raise awareness on seismis risk in Bucharest, collect and disseminate resources to those affected by this risk and advocate for mobilization of funds and public sector action.

In brief, we will develop a data crowd sourcing platform from citizens and volunteers on seismic risk buildings in Bucharest(so called red dot buildings). Project volunteers and citizens will be able to upload real time data on a digital map (text & pictures) showing information about buildings at risk. We specifically target raising data about the number of people living in such buildings, as well as other types of information such as: whether the property is still in place or it’s already demolished, whether there are other residential building in close proximity to these that can be affected in case of collapse, whether such buildings or neighboring ones host different functions (eg. shops, offices, etc.) where people are working or visiting, as customers. All in all, we wish to make a “census” of people at risk.

Our team will be working on this platform and plans to launch it towards the end of spring. Meanwhile, we seek to expand our team with a deisgnated volunteer and campaign coordinator.

ALERT is alliged to our core interest to test the power of new technologies – in this case, a data crowdsourcing application – to meet challenges faced by local communities.

The project is funded by Telekom, following TeImplicy project competition and is implemented in partnership by CRIDL and Make Better.

Watch our brief ALERT project presentation here.

Photo: winners of the projects selection campaign Te Implici, ran by Telekom Romania in December 2016

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The 3rd edition of RICAP is on!The 3rd edition of RICAP is on!

We are super happy to announce that we have selected the 18 companies we will be working with during the next 6 months.

RICAP is designed to help tech entrepreneurs to boost their businesses and get their innovations globally. The novelty of this edition is that we have 2 tracks: RICAP Academy where we have selected 15 companies to help them validate their technologies and boost their potential and RICAP Accelerator where we have selected 3 companies to work with and support them to grow faster and get on the international market.

The program is at its 3rd edition and we could see during the process that both the technology, both the companies have become more sophisticated, covering specific need and having a better understanding on the market needs. This is why we are sure that the national innovation ecosystem is growing and programs like RICAP are needed in order to support startups with global potential.

Stay tuned for news and take a look of the companies selected for this edition.


We are super happy to announce that we have selected the 18 companies we will be working with during the next 6 months.

RICAP is designed to help tech entrepreneurs to boost their businesses and get their innovations globally. The novelty of this edition is that we have 2 tracks: RICAP Academy where we have selected 15 companies to help them validate their technologies and boost their potential and RICAP Accelerator where we have selected 3 companies to work with and support them to grow faster and get on the international market.

The program is at its 3rd edition and we could see during the process that both the technology, both the companies have become more sophisticated, covering specific need and having a better understanding on the market needs. This is why we are sure that the national innovation ecosystem is growing and programs like RICAP are needed in order to support startups with global potential.

Stay tuned for news and take a look of the companies selected for this edition.


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